Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Here's the door - don't let it hit you on the way out!

At LAAAAAAAAAAAAssst!!! Tony Blair has left Downing Street and now has the grand title of EX-prime minister!!! Parliament gave him a standing ovation at question time ..... kinda odd...

Enter new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. He's doing things a bit differently already - he's asking members of other parties if they would like to be in his cabinet, he's talking about getting rid of 'top down' style of governing. He's already surprising people. We'll see if that continues now he has the top job.

And he is a Scot. He has a growling Fife accent that no manner of polishing will erase. But this is no Scottish friendly prime minister. Like many before him and bred from the 'canni dee it attitude', he has to shun his Scottishness, prove his Britishness (ie Englishness) in order to take himself, and for others to take him seriously. He infamously told Scotland that we should support England in football - yeah that went down well....!!!

We will see how our new Prime Minister makes his mark on Britain. We shall see how he deals with the irritating little stone in the bottom of his shoe that is the Scottish Parliament and the SNP with Salmond at the head. To be continued......


Squirmy Popple said...

Yeah...the Scots didn't really go for the whole "celebrate your Britishness" thing, did they? But maybe he'll do some good, who knows...

Gwen said...

It's also extremely worrying that he thought that it was reasonable that the Scots would go for the "Support Britishness and Support England in Football" idea. It makes you think that his finger may be several miles from the pulse. Look what happened when Tony Blair went gung ho for something without considering how his electorate might feel about it. Rather disturbing if you ask me.

Mo said...

He's already doing a Robin Cook and starting to sound more English. I've noted the subtle change in the vowel sounds. By election time he'll be sounding like Thatcher!

Annie said...

Did somebody say Thatcher? **shudder** ;)

Mo said...

Mrs T famously got elocution lessons to sound more masculine and authoritative!!